Make Webb Chapel Walkable!
Please, somebody do something about Webb Chapel Extension! People are being run over and it's not safe for kids
Back in 2019, Friends of Bachman Lake helped save Bachman Lake from literally being wiped off the map. The proposal was to fill in the lake, to avoid rebuilding Bachman Dam and to create a stormwater outflow for Love Field. We succeeded in saving our 119 year-old lake and it will stay there for future generations to visit and cherish. But, we were not ones to rest on our laurels, so off we went pushing back on the City's idea to create a North Entrance to Love Field. Now, you find us trying to tackle safe access to the park.
Pedestrian safety remains a top concern.
A very troubling situation remains: Nobody can safely walk to Bachman Lake
Bachman Lake is bordered by Webb Chapel Extension on the west, making the trek to Bachman Lake Park by foot or bicycle an act of bravery for our patrons. This is why most of them end up coming in their cars.

Between 2015 and 2019, there were 7 pedestrian-vehicle accidents and 88 vehicle-on-vehicle accidents on Webb Chapel Extension between Northwest Highway and Larga Drive, which is a distance of just 0.6 miles. Webb Chapel Extension is a 6-lane highway similar in width to Northwest Highway and the controlled-access Dallas North Tollway. What sets Webb Chapel Extension apart is the high density of multi-family units contained within numerous apartment complexes right along the road.
This stretch of road is too dangerous. Traffic calming measures are needed and we believe that a 'road diet' similar to what was recently implemented on Jefferson Avenue in Oak Cliff, would work. Unfortunately, requests are going no where fast.
The community asked for action. The City has ignored our concerns.
Community members have sent in 3-1-1 requests to address the speeding on Webb Chapel and the lack of safe crossings. We are told traffic signals will be happening, but no one knows when. Here is the response to Service Request 22-00012403 filed and closed by the City in February 2022:
Historical data show a ADT (Average Daily Traffic) of 20,000 vehicles a day. Webb Chapel Ext is a 6 lane, two way road with a posted speed limit of 35mph. Geometry of road is designed for higher volumes and speeds. Speed cushions on arterials is not warranted due to intended use of road. There are speed limit signs at key locations to inform drivers of the 35mph speed limit.
A traffic signal is planned to be installed at this intersection in the future. It is recommended to wait for the completion of a traffic signal installation to consider the option of installing a dedicated crosswalk at Timberline Dr & Webb Chapel Ext. Webb Chapel Ext is a principal arterial road.
Neighborhood Organizations have sent letters to City Council asking for speed controls and have suggested that a “road diet” be tested on Webb Chapel Extension between Harry Hines Boulevard and Lombardy Lane. The lack of action is blamed on the fact that:
The stretch of road is not all within the same district
3-1-1 requests needed to be submitted
So here we are, needing to submit more 3-1-1 requests because the previous ones were not enough. Can you help?
Make noise. Make our voices heard.
We need everyone that reads this to take 2 minutes of their time and create a 3-1-1 request for a road diet on Webb Chapel Ext between Lombardy Lane and Harry Hines Boulevard. For this particular issue, you can use the following link to go directly to the the topic: Traffic-Speed Control.
That's it! We hope there are hundreds of requests and that someone in the City will wake up and do something!
It is time to #TakeBackOurRoads so Northwest Dallas can #CrossSafely