The Ranger and Marshal Report: 8/27-8/28
The gates to the two large parking lots were locked until about 2PM last Sunday due to the failure of the designated park employee to unlock them, reason not known at this time.
However, this incident alerted management of the need to have the on-duty Park Ranger provided with the combination of those locks, in case something similar happens in the future.
Saturday 8/27:
Rangers –
Arrived 9:30am.
10am –
Nothing to report
11am –
Smoking in the Park - Ranger informed patron of rules regarding smoking in the park. Ranger gained compliance.
12pm –
Feeding fowl. Ranger educated patrons (2) of the importance of not feeding the fowl and patrons complied with request to stop feeding the fowl.
Dog Off Leash – Ranger educated patrons of off leash laws and gained compliance from dog owners
Nothing to report
2pm –
Sleeping in Public - Ranger informed patron of rules regarding sleeping in the park. Ranger gained compliance.
3pm –
Nothing to report
4pm –
Dog Off Leash – Ranger educated patrons of off leash laws and gained compliance from dog owners
5pm –
Nothing to report
Marshals –
Unable to visit Bachman due to other pressing concerns at other parks
Sunday 8/28:
Rangers –
Arrived 9:30am.
Sleeping in Public - Ranger informed patron of rules regarding sleeping in the park. Ranger gained compliance.
11am –
Nothing to report
12pm –
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
2pm –
Nothing to report
3pm –
POUS - Ranger educated vehicle owners of cars parked illegally on turf and gained compliance when asked to move vehicles to parking spaces
4pm –
Alcohol - Ranger informed patrons of rules regarding alcohol consumption in the park. Ranger gained compliance.
5pm –
Nothing to report
Marshals –
Arrived at 6:30pm.
7:20pm. Alcohol consumption (2 citations)
7:37pm. Alcohol consumption (3 citations)
8:20pm. Alcohol consumption (2 citations)
9:40pm. Alcohol consumption (3 citations)