Friends of Bachman Lake - September 2024
"Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures…"
- Henry David Thoreau

North Texas Giving Day Is September 19 But You Can Give Now!
Asking for money is never easy. But if you don't ask, you'll never know what's possible. Right now, Friends of Bachman Lake, along with Dallas Park and Recreation and other partners like Greenspace Dallas and Rooted In, are taking aim at restoring the Bachman Greenbelt. This 40-acre oasis just east of Bachman Lake has already begun an amazing transformation and we can't afford to lose the momentum.
This fall, we are looking to focus on one acre and help bring the area back to the natural state it was meant to be in by moving forward with a lanscape plan designed by Rooted In. That means removing invasive species and planting native shrubs and trees that have been squeezed out over the last several decades.
We have estimated this one-acre project to initially cost roughly $26,000.
Can we do it with your help? Absolutely! That's why we're asking today.
BachmanROC Makes Rowing at Bachman, Well Rockin'

Sometimes it's not a lack of talent or ability that keeps youth from succeeding; often it's just a lack of opportunities. An outreach program with a Bachman focus is seeking to provide new ways toward success for local youth through rowing.
Get to know BachmanROC, a non-profit looking to make rowing at Bachman accessible to local youth like never before. BachmanROC’s “mantra is, “Learn to Swim, Learn to ERG, Learn to Row, Go to College.”
Read our news post:
Neighbors in the Know Online Session Will Feature City of Dallas Department of Transportation
This coming Monday, September 9 at 6pm, Join Friends of Bachman Lake, the Bachman Northwest Highway Community Association and Bachman Lake Together for Neighbors in the Know, an online community information session designed to provide updates from City and other agencies affecting the quality of life around the Bachman Lake area.
The September 9 session will feature the City of Dallas Department of Transportation's update on projects that are occurring or slated to occur around our neighborhoods. It's also a great opportunity for you to ask questions about unsafe crossings near you, the city's bicycle plan, how 2024 Bond projects will be prioritized, what to do about reducing traffic speed and pedestrian accidents and more! Join us on September 9 at 6pm via this link.
The entire session will be recorded and will be made available on our website and YouTube channel within days for those who wish to review or tune in at a later time.
A Public Plea: You Should Care Enough To Exercise Your Right To Vote

Did you know that Texas had the lowest voter turnout in the 2020 election of all states? Dead last! And since 1996, Texas has ranked no better than 49th. Texas is the second most-populous state and still growing. There can't be that many people who just don't care about the people that lead them, are there? Whatever the reasons, you can change this.
Get registered, vote your values, vote for those who will open the doors to the outcomes you seek, and encourage others to do the same. You can even run for office yourself, but you have to be in the game first.
October 7 is the deadline to get registered for the upcoming November election. Check that you are registered and if you have been removed from the voter rolls, get back on the list and re-register. Moving, changing names, similar name errors, not participating, and various other reasons aside from the obvious – dying – can be used to remove names from voter registries. Make sure you're not involuntarily taken off the voting list by checking your status regularly.
In Texas, you cannot register to vote online. This must be done the old fashioned way, but you can get started online by answering a few questions and downloading a form you can mail.
In addition to printing an online registration form, voting-eligible citizens can go to any of our local public libraries for the needed forms.
If you have registered to vote in the past and believe there is no reason you should removed from the voter rolls, check your registration status regularly and take corrective action should you find an error. Checking several months before each election cycle is a healthy habit:
Dallas County has useful voter registration checks and other information including what your voting precinct is and who your representatives are.
That is our Public Service Announcement for a better future that you can make happen!

T-Shirt Order - Get yours!
We ordered another batch of our awesome Bachman Lake t-shirts. Each t-shirt is $20, you can order a up to 4 total shirts at a time. You'll have the chance to specify each size. Order here!
Once we place the order and it's printed, we'll let you know at the email you provide so we can tell you how to pick it up. We are targeting dates and locations for our cleanup and meet-up events so we'll let you know!

Our Monthly Cleanup is every first Saturday!
You just need yourself, but feel free to add friends and family to our monthly Plogging activities. Basically, it's picking up litter while jogging (or walking). A bag, some company if you like, and a trip around the lake will help you stay active and healthy and keep the park beautiful!

Meet and Greet Every 4th Wednesday
Our meeting of the minds is at the On Rotation Brewery on Lemmon Avenue every 4th Wednesday at 5:00pm (unless otherwise noted). Come join us to talk about everything and anything while enjoying some snacks and beverages.