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Friends of Bachman Lake - October 2024

Writer's picture: Friends of Bachman LakeFriends of Bachman Lake

“If I were a bird, I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns.”

- George Eliot

Friends of Bachman Lake logo panels in horizontal arrangement

City of Dallas poster for League of American Bicyclists survey

Complete the Dallas Bicycle Friendly Community Application Public Survey

The League of American Bicyclists is conducting an annual national census of Americans’ experiences and perceptions of riding a bike in different communities across the U.S. The City of Dallas successfully submitted their Bicycle Friendly Community application in June and is now asking for your participation in a community survey that allows the League of American Bicyclists to gather input from the public on the current state of cycling in Dallas. This public input will influence the recommendations that are given to the city by the League of American Bicyclists to become a more bicycle-friendly as part of the final designation Dallas expects to receive in December. 

Your input will help the League and applicant communities better understand current bicycling conditions and potential areas for improvement.


North Texas Giving Day logo

North Texas Giving Day Is A Boost for the Greenbelt

We aimed to raise $26,000 for specific plantings at the Bachman Greenbelt on North Texas Giving Day in September. We didn't make it, but we do know one thing: our supporters are determined to make this happen.

We want to thank the individuals who contributed on September 19 and other days for the thousands we did raise in support of our Greenbelt restoration efforts.

This is a years-long effort that will require a sustained commitment, so we remain grateful to you for any time, any day, and any way you can help.


Forward Dallas Plan Gets Council Approval

Blurry road ahead with bicycle in focus parked on right

On September 25, Dallas City Council approved Forward Dallas 2.0, the latest comprehensive land use recommendations that incorporated feedback from community meetings and over 1,600 web map comments from stakeholders.

In addition, we were able to change the designation of an area north of Northwest Highway, originally designated as "Regional Mixed Use" to "Neighborhood Mixed Use."

Find out more in our News post.


Bachman Dam Reconstruction Continues

DWU workers pouring concrete for support columns at the spillway site.

Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) reports that work on the Bachman Lake dam and spillway is moving along, releasing a time-lapse video of the work in August, installing rebar, pouring concrete for the support piers that will eventually form the labyrinth pattern on the spillway.

More information about the DWU dam reconstruction project can be found at


Thank You Again, St. Mark's!

St. Mark's School group shot of freshmen class at Bachman Lake Park.

A well deserved shout-out and special thanks to the freshmen students at St. Mark's for once again showing Bachman Lake Park some love. The care that St. Mark's has shown the Park over the years is evident and the students are true friends of the lake for helping to keep things beautiful.

Thanks also goes to Dallas Department of Transportation and Public Works and the Keep Dallas Beautiful division focused on educating and engaging residents in Dallas about the importance of a clean and healthy city.

Thank you once again!

White Bachman Lake T-shirt for order

T-Shirt Order - Get yours!

We ordered another batch of our awesome Bachman Lake t-shirts. Each t-shirt is $20, you can order a up to 4 total shirts at a time. You'll have the chance to specify each size. Order here!

Once we place the order and it's printed, we'll let you know at the email you provide so we can tell you how to pick it up. We are targeting dates and locations for our cleanup and meet-up events so we'll let you know!



Meet and Greet the group at the Bluffview Growler on Northwest Highway every 4th Wednesday at 5pm

Meet and Greet Every 4th Wednesday

Our meeting of the minds is at the On Rotation Brewery on Lemmon Avenue every 4th Wednesday* at 5:00pm (unless otherwise noted). Come join us to talk about everything and anything while enjoying some snacks and beverages.

*Note that times/dates are subject to change. We will issue notices if the event changes or is postponed.


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