FoBL Newsletter - October 2021
“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers” – Anne of Green Gables

Do you worry about pollution? Do you wonder what is the status on various City projects in the area? Are you interested in joining the conversation and talking about your concerns? Neighbors in the Know will have a next-level conversation in our session on October 6th to talk about issues and, through the "wisdom of crowds", find a way to make life better for all of us.
The 2021 American Heart Association walk was a huge success! We had over 35 volunteers that walked around the lake or helped clean the park. A great partnership with Love Field and Bachman Lake Together. A healthy heart day to keep Dallas beautiful!
Click the image on the left for a picture slide-show.

Thank you to everyone who donated to Friends of Bachman Lake for North Texas Giving Day!! Our goal was to raise $10,000 and we raised $4,300. If you forgot, don't worry, you are not the only one!
Donations can still be made directly to Dallas Parks Foundation with a note to apply to Friends of Bachman Lake.

Bachman Area Non-profit Spotlight!
For over 40 years, the Bachman Area has had the honor to have the Association for Independent Living as our neighbors. AFIL supports adults with disabilities and one of the facilities that has been critical its success is the Bachman Rec Center, constructed in 1979. To read more about AFIL, check out this write-up by their executive director, Sarah Causey.

"I Remember When" series kicks off with Tim Dickey's memories of Camp Kiwanis at Bachman Lake
You know that spot where the new Aquatics Center is being constructed at Bachman Lake; the one with the post oak grove that lost many trees as a result? It was 60 years ago that something truly unique existed there and guest blogger Tim Dickey shares his memories in the first of a series of "I Remember When" posts about Bachman Lake and the surrounding area. Read on...

Frasier Dam Recreation Area: A "magical" urban forest
The Sunday Dallas Morning news features the reopening of the Frasier Dam Recreation Area, a little-known natural oasis right in Northwest Dallas. Read the article here.

Reminding you that the birds are still migrating!!
Don't forget to turn out all non-essential lights from 11 pm - 6 am every night until November 30th, especially during the peak migration period of September 5 - October 29, when half of the total fall bird migration traffic passes through Texas.

Hazardous waste? Bulky trash?
Mark your calendars for October 30th, 8AM-noon to come drop off all those things that you cannot just put in normal recycling or the trash: batteries, water based pain, oil, anti-freeze, electronics, tires, and mattresses.
We have not had one of these collections in our area for years!! A big thank you to Love Field for providing the location for this event: Love Field Connection Lot #2 at 6814 Harry Hines

Noise pollution can cause hearing loss, high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease.... Make sure you engage Love Field about aircraft noise! The next Good Neighbor Program Meeting will be in person, at the Bachman Recreation Center the 19th of October at 6PM.

Our monthly plogging event is every 2nd Saturday of the month and in September we are plogging and walking for the American Heart Association!! Come join us, Bachman Lake Together and Love Field in this great cause.
Please register and remember that fundraising is optional!

The community has spoken and asked for the Meet and Greet be moved to 5PM, we are not ones to get in the way of a cold beer! See you for our ‘meeting of the minds’ at Bluffview Growler on the 4th Wednesday of the month. No RSVP needed.
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#BachmanLake #DallasParkandRecreation #NeighborsintheKnow #NoisePollution #LoveField #DallasParksFoundation #IRememberWhen #GoodNeighbor #FoBL #AHAWalk #NorthTexasGivingDay #FrasierDam