Marshals and Rangers at Work: 8/20 - 8/21

If you saw our last post about the annual City Budget, you will have seen our big thanks for the additional hours being added to the budget in support of Marshals and Rangers that will monitor city parks. Due to the complaints we have submitted over the years and especially to Mr. Tim Dickey’s (D6 Park Board Member) persistence and assistance, there is now patrolling and, more importantly, citations being written at Bachman Lake Park. The Rangers are also reporting back to the Parks Department the state of the port-a-potties. Below is the report for the weekend of August 20th and 21st.
Saturday 8/20:
Rangers –
Arrived 9:30am.
10am –
Nothing to report
11am –
Dog Off Leash – Ranger educated patrons of off leash laws and gained compliance from dog owners
12pm –
Nothing to report
Alcohol - Ranger informed patrons of rules regarding alcohol consumption in the park. Ranger gained compliance.
Ranger addressed patrons sitting under pavilion that is still fenced in. Patrons did move from under pavilion. Last update from Facility Services was that this project was supposed wrap up this week and the fence should be removed soon.
2pm –
Nothing to report
3pm –
Feeding fowl. Ranger educated patrons (8) of the importance of not feeding the fowl and patrons complied with request to stop feeding the fowl.
4pm –
Nothing to report
5pm –
Nothing to report
Marshals –
Nothing to report
Sunday 8/21:
Rangers –
Arrived 9:30am.
Sleeping in Public - Ranger informed patron of rules regarding sleeping in the park. Ranger gained compliance.
Maintenance Issue – Ranger submitted to Park Maintenance Contract Compliance of the dirty port o lets at the park
11am –
Homeless Issue – Ranger observed several homeless encampments on the west side of the park located within the tree line between the lake and Denton Dr. A 311 was submitted for homeless encampment. SR# 22-00358775
Sleeping in Public - Ranger informed patron of rules regarding sleeping in the park. Ranger gained compliance.
12pm –
Feeding fowl. Ranger educated patrons (2) of the importance of not feeding the fowl and patrons complied with request to stop feeding the fowl.
POUS - Ranger educated vehicle owner of a car parked illegally on turf and gained compliance when asked to move vehicle to parking space
2pm –
Nothing to report
3pm –
Nothing to report
4pm –
Nothing to report
5pm –
Nothing to report
Marshals –
Arrived at 7:04pm. Alcohol consumption and smoking (6 citations)