Friends of Bachman Lake Newsletter - March 2024
Updated: Apr 1, 2024
“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." – Douglas Adams

Funded: Bachman to Campion Connector Analysis

The Campion Trail in Irving is a master-planned 22-mile greenbelt along the Elm Fork and West Fork of the Trinity River. It's Irving's initiative to develop a local greenbelt trail that will connect to the regional trail system linking cities within the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area.
Friends of Bachman Lake has been working since 2019 to convince the City of Dallas to forego building a parallel trail on the east side of the Trinity through industrial areas and instead help connect Bachman Lake Trail and its patrons/neighborhoods to the Campion through the Frasier Dam Recreation Area (or somewhere along there). To that effect, working with Dallas County, Irving and the City of Dallas, we are please to announce full funding for an analysis to select the best connection option to the Campion, one of the premier trails in the region! Bachman to Irving to Denton and beyond? It could happen!
Read our blog post for more details!
Like a Good Neighbor ...

What's all that dirt piled up on Lemmon Avenue? The first neighbor meeting with Love Field was on January 30th and we figured those unable to attend might want some details on what was discussed.
Love Field is also offering a first look at the Love Field Terminal Master Plan that will focus on preparing the airport for the future. There will be an Open House at the Frontiers of Flight Museum on March 19 from 5pm-7:30pm. We have added this to our Events on our website home page so you can add this to your calendar.

NextDoor Comment About Trash Draws Attention ... and Action
A neighbor in Bradford Estates published a video of the suddenly-trashed Greenbelt in January and shared everyone's lament. "So sad and frustrating to see the brand new hiking trails at Bachman Creek get absolutely wrecked in just a couple weeks time. Volunteers spent so much time and effort making this beautiful preservation accessible, yet the city allows this to happen," he exclaimed.
146 comments and 4 days later, Friends of Bachman Lake leveraged its plogging event to try and clean it all up. Unfortunately, the trails were so muddy we could not haul out the 3 shopping carts full of trash! However, we are going to do these clean-ups every month at the Greenbelt. See the next article for what we are planning.
Team Up to Green Up!

In addition to our monthly plogging on the first Saturday of the month, we are organizing monthly clean-up events at the Bachman Greenbelt because the Parks Department has not yet funded maintenance clean-ups (Yup, speak to the hand!).
Selfishly, we also want others to be as gobsmacked as we are by the beauty of these 40 acres. We want to thank the following groups in advance for helping to make Bachman Lake Park a better place. If your company wants to host an event later this year, please let us know! (
4/17 Southwest Airlines
4/20 Calling all Schools for Earth Day
5/18 Bank of America
6/29 Texas Conservation Alliance and Greenspace Dallas
Small but Mighty: Adopt-A-Shoreline
Any business, non-profit, school, church, or local organization can help Bachman Lake Park by adopting a small portion of the shoreline to keep it litter free.
Every First Saturday a group from your organization would volunteer at Bachman Lake Park by cleaning up your adopted section. Are you interested? Email
Read more information about the Adopt-A-Shoreline at Bachman Lake Park here.

February Clean-up hosted by Greenspace Dallas!
A huge thank you to Greenspace Dallas volunteers that joined us on February 24th to pick up trash at the Bachman Greenbelt and to help remove the chipped privet. They filled up an entire dumpster with the privet! After all this amazing effort, the group went over for a free beer at On-Rotation Brewery & Kitchen on Lemmon Avenue.
A rewarding project, a beautiful day AND beer! You just can't beat that!
Celebrate Earth Day by participating in It's My Park Day on April 20!
Sign up here ... or scan the QR code in the images below

Our Monthly Cleanup is every first Saturday!
You just need you but feel free to add friends and family to our monthly Plogging activities. Basically, it's picking up litter while jogging (or walking). A bag, some company if you like, and a trip around the lake will help you stay active and healthy and keep the park beautiful!

Every 4th Wednesday
Our meeting of the minds is at the Bluffview Growler on NW Highway every 4th Wednesday of the month. This causal neighborly gathering features fun and good conversation over snacks and beverages.
Thank you for reading the Friends of Bachman Lake newsletter. Do you want to join the mailing list? Are you already on the list and need to update your information? Just click on the link below!