Lemmon Ave Trail Updates!
by Susanna Brown

A few weeks ago, I was dropping off some of our awesome Bachman Lake t-shirts to supporters in the area and was asked what was going on with the Lemmon Ave Trail. It seemed to them that the construction had slowed down. I explained that the construction has not slowed down, it has just moved to the west side of Lemmon Ave. However, I figured that more of you may be wondering the same....
The Lemmon Ave Trail construction is very much on track, in fact the most complex portion of the work is currently underway along the northeast corner of the Love Field property, along Shorecrest. The airport fence is being moved back in order to make way for the trail and the road between Webb Chapel bridge and Lemmon Ave is closed. The earth movement is impressive! Over the next 80 days or so, you will also be seeing a lot of activity at the center triangle of Mockingbird, Airdome Dr and Lemmon Ave, this is the installation of the landscape design that will be implemented while the Lemmon Ave runway is shutdown for maintenance.
I am actually a tad jealous of those of you that live close to Lemmon because not only are you getting an amazing trail, you are also going to have a fantastic playground and art features along the trail. I know that the airport heard everyone loud and clear about the concerns with the trees that were cut down. They explained in the Neighbors in the Know meeting in May, that their intent is to increase the number of trees and improve the road appeal with an overall landscape design. In fact, they shared with us (and us with you) a copy of the landscape plan so you can see what it will look like and I hope that you will be as impressed as we are. On a side note, we have also received an A-OK from Aviation Director Carreno to leverage the landscape pallet for other areas around Bachman Lake Park. So we are now taking this plan over to Texas Trees Foundation for assistance with a tree planting plan. It's nice to not have to re-invent the wheel.
You can find the detailed landscape plans in our News Library but for the sake of accessibility, I have included them in this blog post. The images below are specifically the the sections of the trail where the new tree plantings are noted, basically the bright green balls - almost 200 of them. There is an annotation for each of those balls, and to the right of the image is the plant schedule so you can see what type of tree each of those green balls represents.
Can't wait to celebrate with an amazing ribbon cutting ceremony around the middle of next year!
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#LoveField #LemmonAveTrail #Trees #HeatCone #Beautification #Biking #BikeDFW #Interconnections #LemmonAvenueArt #LandscapePlan