Bachman Greenbelt ready for a little TLC

In early August, Friends of Bachman Lake assisted the Dallas Parks and Recreation Department in coordinating a video neighborhood feedback meeting for the areas immediately adjacent to the proposed nature trails in the Bachman Lake Greenbelt. This 40-acre site has abundant bird and wildlife. Unfortunately, because it is so inaccessible due to the invasive privet hedge, it is also now the site of a homeless encampment.
Friends of Bachman Lake raised $40,000 last year and will receive a match of $40,000 from the Parks Department to build the nature trail and educational signage regarding the local habitat. We are extremely excited to partner with Groundwork Dallas on this project and also thank REI for their recent $5,000 grant towards the trail work. There will be two one-mile loops. One on the north side of the creek and the other on the south side along Shorecrest Drive. Trail development will start at the end of October, once all that poison ivy dies down!
Friends of Bachman Lake would LOOOVVVVEEEE help from any Master Gardeners that could assist with the work of introducing native species to the area (we have some funds for plants). Please pass this post along to anyone you think would be interested.
You can find a copy of the presentation reviewed in the Friends of Bachman Lake Library (look for Bachman Lake Greenbelt Trail 8-4-20.pdf). You can also access it directly here. It includes an aerial map of the area and proposed trail positions.