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Friends of Bachman Lake - November 2024

Writer's picture: Friends of Bachman LakeFriends of Bachman Lake

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

“Leave the road, take the trails” - Pythagore

Friends of Bachman Lake logo panels in horizontal arrangement

Good News is the Best News

We were so happy to have been contacted by Candy's Dirt reporter, Mimi Perez to talk about the work Friends of Bachman Lake does to lobby for the area interests across the various City of Dallas Departments and she was especially interested in the new nature trail and a possible partnership with DISD. The article she wrote was the most read that week on the Candy's Dirt website and we think it is reflective of the interest and opportunities in the Bachman Area.

At about the same time, Jeff Brown, a blogger that writes about North Texas trails, attended last month's Greenspace Dallas clean-up at the Greenbelt and reached out to discuss the project and thank us for the work. Jeff also wrote a post in his blog about the greenbelt with some nice details on maps and stats, his advocacy is appreciated. Click here to read his article in detail.

We love all the love, keep it coming!


Maple Avenue Safety Project

The City of Dallas Department of Transportation has proposed safety improvements to Maple Avenue between Mockingbird Lane and Oak Lawn Avenue. The proposed improvements include bike lanes, new or enhanced pedestrian crossings, and improvements to the Hudnall/Butler and Manor/Bomar intersections. However, it does NOT include safe passage into the West Love neighborhood and from there to Bachman Lake Park. Maple north of Mocikingbird does not even have sidewalks!

Friends of Bachman Lake attended the meeting and sent messages to D2 City Councilman Moreno, to make sure that this need was addressed. In fact, we would appreciate if you could add your voice to the survey asking for safe passage from Bachman Lake to the Trinity Strand trail via Maple Ave. Click here for the link to the survey.


Santa at Bachman - We need Sponsors!

Many of the Bachman patrons of old remember when every Christmas, there were photos with Santa and hot chocolate at the Pavilion. For at least 15 years, that has not happened because the funding for that event came from the dance halls located close to the park along Northwest Highway. The dance halls are long gone and so is Santa.

This year, we are trying to resurrect the tradition (minus the dance halls) and hosting the event at the Pavilion past the entrance at NW Highway and Lakefield Blvd. If you would like to volunteer to assist on the day of the event, December 1 from 2pm-4pm, or if you can even help sponsor the event, contact:

(Note: this is a change in time and place from the Gazebo by the playground and from the original 12pm start).


Webb Chapel Bridge - The Missing Link of the Bachman Lake Trail

It's a travesty that going on 5 years of asking for a pedestrian / cycling solution at the Webb Chapel bridge, there is still nothing. One of our board members stopped to help this handicapped person cross the bridge because the sidewalk is too narrow. We have written articles, taken video, designed a solution, taken a Director Jenkins on a ride to show him that THE TRAIL IS NOT DONE! Most recently, we had the commitment of Director Khankarlin to implement our solution by the time that the Lemmon Ave work is supposed to be done next year and we are crossing our fingers that this is the case.

Here is our 2022 blog post with the design proposed to the City and Councilman Narvaez's office:


Thank You, Biomedical School of Dallas and Southwest Airlines!

We are loving our partnership with Keep Dallas Beautiful and Greenspace Dallas. Over the last month they have collectively helped us three clean-ups in the area. It is truly with the work with these types of groups that we have been able to create awareness and make it easier for volunteer groups to help. This past month we hosted DISD's Biomedical School and the IT department of Southwest Airlines.

Thank you once again!



This Black Friday, Go Green and Opt Outisde

Meet and Greet the group at the Bluffview Growler on Northwest Highway every 4th Wednesday at 5pm

Skip the shopping on the day after Thanksgiving and get some outdoor air! Connecting with nature is a healthy way to reset your priorities. You'll still have plenty of time to gear up for the holidays!

Meet and Greet Will Resume in January

With November and December holidays straddling the 4th Wednesday of each month we're going to take a brief respite from this event and resume on the 4th Wednesday in January, 2025.

*Note that times/dates are subject to change. We will issue notices if the event changes or is postponed.

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