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Friends of Bachman Lake - February 2025

Friends of Bachman Lake logo panels in horizontal arrangement

“Everything that grows / Holds in perfection but a little moment.” — William Shakespeare


Yes We [Trash] Can!

A big thank you goes to Dallas Park and Recreation for installing new trash receptacles along the north side of the Bachman Lake Trail. This is a huge help in keeping litter where it belongs. Our beloved park requires constant attention in order for all to enjoy and we appreciate what everyone does from picking up litter, reporting issues and volunteering for park clean-up and planting events.


Wide-angle shot of Bachman cleanup event setup with tent, lake and bright sun in the background, and volunteers getting ready for the cleanup in the foreground.
Getting ready for the clean-up

A Great Day to Start the Month

Kicking off the month of February with the best weather day of the year (yes, it's only started) brought smiles to the many volunteers who gathered to give Bachman Lake Park its first major clean-up of the year. Over 50 bags of trash were collected and, with the water level having been lowered for the dam reconstruction, there was more trash to pick up that would otherwise have been hidden under water. One park-goer commented that he'd never seen the park so clean! Kudos to Dallas Park and Recreation, Council Member Omar Narvaez, Park Board member for District 6 Tim Dickey, Greenspace Dallas, Preston Hollow Rotary Club and all the volunteers who helped make this day special!


Aviation Department Provides Update on Love Field Operations and Initiatives

The Dallas Love Field Good Neighbor Program held its quarterly meeting at the end of January. The updates included the usual traffic and operations statistics but also some information about the Love Field master plan which aims to accommodate a growing number of commercial passengers while maintaining the gate number restrictions in place. That will likely mean bigger, not necessarily more planes in the coming years, but the number of planes for private aircraft will definitely increase. This is especially true when the FIFA World Cup events take place in our area in 2026. The entire region should expect increased traffic and activity as fans from around the world will move through our airports, streets and highways in great numbers. For you homeowners along the flight paths, yes, there will be more noise to contend with, especially from private aircraft.

Regarding the Lemmon Avenue Trail still under construction, the airport eyes completion by the third quarter of 2025.

You can scroll through the presentation slides below or use this link for the full sized document:


Water We Gonna Do About The New Plants?

The Bachman Lake Greenbelt has been a focus of Friends of Bachman Lake for a good while and things really began to happen last year. The site has undergone a major transformation thanks to groups like Greenspace Dallas, Dallas Park and Recreation, REI, The Gables and volunteers like you!

We've also had the great fortune of partnering with the Preston Hollow Rotary Club to help with irrigating new plantings at the Greenbelt. A holding tank, gravity pump and hose have been set up for watering on a timed schedule (subject to rain conditions, of course). We have detailed instructions and a sign-up schedule for those interested in helping out! How can you help?

  1. Become a volunteer and sign up for the Green Team

  2. Sign-up for an avilable watering slot

  3. Read the instructions for watering on our website

Thank you to everyone!


What Can the City's Department of Transportation Do?

Every year we meet with the City of Dallas Department of Transportation in order to be the squeaky wheel and ensure that the pedestrian safety projects needed in the Bachman area are not forgotten. At our meeting this past month, we were joined by Councilman Omar Narvaez.



Meet and Greet the group at the Bluffview Growler on Northwest Highway every 4th Wednesday at 5pm

Meet and Greet Every 4th Wednesday

We have resumed our 4th Wednesday Meet and Greet at On Rotation Brewery & Kitchen. Check the events on our website for any updates or changes to these dates.

Join us for a casual time, talking about anything you want and eating and drinking anything you like! It's casual and it's fun!

*Note that times/dates are subject to change. We will issue notices if the event changes or is postponed.

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