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August Newsletter: A new look

Writer's picture: Friends of Bachman LakeFriends of Bachman Lake

Friends of Bachman Lake Logo

We've got a new logo! We're still tweaking a few things but expect some really cool stuff coming your way, from decals, shirts and more. How did we get here? Jennifer Brower from a Different Perspective sat with us to create our logo. She guided us through various colors inspired by the fun flags you typically see during celebrations like Cinco de Mayo and others. It's a nod to our diverse community and the individual icons represent the many things you can and will be able to do at the lake and park.

The fun part is that each mini icon can stand alone or be grouped to represent your favorite activities around Bachman Lake Park. For instance, we hope to see the Rowing Club wearing one specific for them, or for folks using them as stickers on their cars. You should start seeing our image in fun places. Stay tuned!

This Month's Asks

Dallas City Budget town hall meetings will be coming to you this month!

Learn how your tax dollars are prioritized and have a say about what’s most important to you. We’ll be updating our online events calendar at for the areas surrounding Bachman Lake Park or you can access the full calendar.Request additional sidewalks and protected cycling lanes in North Dallas, including connections from Bachman Lake to the Campion Trail and Northaven Trail, sidewalks along Northwest Highway and a cycling/pedestrian bridge over Northwest Highway at Bachman Lake. Speak up on your opposition to a north entrance to Love Field!

Send an email to your government representatives asking for sidewalks on Northwest Highway! 

The state is planning to repave Northwest Highway but is not planning on doing any sidewalk installations. See our write-up below and take the time to write your state representative, City Council Member and County Commissioner.  

More News

Ask and you shall receive....a new park!

Just a few months ago, as we pondered Google Maps and the areas around Bachman Lake Park, we noticed the large green strip next to the Sam's Club. This large piece of land managed by Love Field Airport houses landing lights but little else. Given how park poor we are in North Dallas, this seemed like a great space that could be used by the community. In just 3 months, the Love Field administrative team ran the idea by the FAA and received approval for this land to become a park (as long as there are no bird attractants). What is even more exciting is that Love Field has also taken the initiative to roll this park into the planning efforts for the Lemmon Avenue Streetscape project (see our July newsletter). FoBL has suggested that the Airport and Parks Department consider this space for:

A pedestrian/cycling bridge over NW Highway: The openness of the area should accommodate a graceful slope for a more pedestrian/bike/skate-friendly bridge.

The regional skate park: The location can make this happen sooner since this great amenity would not have to await the rebuilding of the dam (currently slated for 2022).

Parking: A good bus stop and maybe a soccer field, and if there is enough room [insert your imagination here].

Northwest Highway Repaving - Open Letter to Officials

We recently learned that $12M will be spent on Northwest Highway to repave and put up new signage. In addition, there will be a pedestrian study for the stretch from Inwood to Hillcrest. Unfortunately, none of this work addresses the lack of sidewalks along our North Dallas corridor and the need for a pedestrian bridge at Bachman Lake. As such, Friends of Bachman Lake sent the following letter to the project managers for the Northwest Highway repaving project. The letter CC'd the following officials: State Representatives Rafael Anchia and John Turner; City Council Members Adam Medrano, Jennifer Gates and Omar Narvaez; County Commissioners Elba Garcia and JJ Koch. 

We did receive a response with instructions that the City of Dallas must make the request to the State for sidewalks. This is where you come in.

Please write to your state, city and county representatives asking that work on Northwest Highway move us forward in meeting federal guidance for bike/pedestrian planning by including sidewalks. (  

Here's our letter in case you want to use it for inspiration:

Dear Sirs: It has come to my attention that there is a major project underway to improve the quality of the pavement on Loop 12 / Northwest Highway. It is important for you to be aware that along this corridor, the City of Dallas is planning to install a regional skate park and aquatic center at Bachman Lake and also a park with a proposed performance arena at Preston Center.  Northwest Highway is already congested and we need alternative forms of transportation to effectively support these amenities.  Both Bachman Lake and Preston Center are locations with Northwest Highway as a major boundary.  If the North Dallas area is going to be disrupted for this work, there are several requests that would be great to include on behalf of the community:

1. Install 7 to 10-feet-wide sidewalk(s) along Northwest Highway, from Harry Hines to US 75 in order to facilitate East/West pedestrian/cycling access to the parks and DART stops. I have seen people walking down the middle of the Highway, on the road itself, and balancing along narrow bridge ledges to try to get to their destinations. If the entire length is not possible, then as a minimum, this sidewalk is needed on the north side of NW Highway from Denton Drive to Admiral Dr .

2. Address the flooding of Northwest Highway at Denton Dr and while in this area, work with the City and County to rebuild the bridge at Denton Dr with on/off ramps to Northwest Highway.  Why?  Because this could then become the alternate access for Love Field airport. The proposed north entrance to the airport, with a bridge over the lake terminating in Northwest Highway is not supported by the community and we will need your help in making Denton Dr a viable alternative.

3. Install the long planned pedestrian / cycling bridge over Northwest Highway at Bachman Lake (Webb Chapel Rd.) .

4. Move the stop light at Private Driveway at 3840 NW Highway to Admiral Dr., in order to allow for neighbors on the north side of the highway to safely cross the road.

5. Improve all pedestrian cross walks at the major intersections

6. Install a hawk signal at Ovella and Northwest Hwy to enable better access for the children in this area to the lake park.

Love Field Airport and Bachman Lake Park

FoBL has been engaging with the Aviation Department of Dallas to learn more about what's happening with Bachman Lake's biggest neighbor, Dallas Love Field (DAL). To make sure the metal birds don't overwhelm our enjoyment of the feathered ones, we've set out to get some answers about projects affecting the communities surrounding Bachman Lake Park – both positive and potentially negative. Check out our detailed reporting about the Good Neighbor Program and the Love Field environmental meetings which took place last month.

The Lake is the Cleanest it's Been Yet!

On Saturday, July 13th, a small group of dedicated FoBLers braved the Dallas heat and plogged around the lake.  We were amazed that there was not much to pick up and found out that our friends from Groundwork Dallas had been there the previous afternoon and helped out! Folks are telling us that our lake is cleaner than White Rock. Do you sense some competition here?

Are you familiar with plogging? It's basically picking up litter while jogging, or walking, or during any activity around the trails. FoBL has a plogging event every second Saturday of the month. Check our events to add these and other happenings to your calendars.


Meet Up With Us Monthly

Our monthly plogging event is this Saturday from 6ish (or whatever time your coffee kicks in) to 11ish (or earlier, if it gets too hot). Bring one of those plastic bags we all have around the house and put it to good use. Walk the path or meander off of it and pick up trash. It’s great for the hamstrings! Give a shout-out to anyone you see walking around the lake with a plastic bag - they are clearly FoBLers!

Aso, don't forget to join us at our monthly ‘meeting of the minds’ at Bluffview Growler. It's on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 4-6PM. No RSVP needed. 

Save the Dates:

Road Trip!

Our City Council is coming to Lake Highlands North Recreation Center on August 14 at 2pm. This is part of an effort to bring City Council Meetings closer to citizens. You can check the full agenda here

Where's your money going?

A series of budget town hall meetings is scheduled throughout the month of August as Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax presents the proposed FY 2019-2020 budget. These meetings are designed for citizens to weigh in on how their tax dollars are spent, and provide valuable guidance for the City Manager and City Council.

Residents have the option to voice their opinion at in-person town halls within their neighborhoods or virtual town halls where they may interact via telephone or online.

Details about conferencing and online access to come.

Visit our Events Page for locations near Bachman Lake or get the full location calendar here.


Are you on our mailing list? Sign up for our newsletter or update your information. Just follow the instructions to update your profile and add your interests. 

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