6 Miles to a Bigger, Better Bicycle Loop
Updated: Oct 4, 2022
Let’s Get Northwest Dallas and Bachman Connected!
Dallas has rapidly expanded the bicycle trail network throughout the city in recent years, but Northwest Dallas remains disconnected from the rest of the city and most city landmarks.
Right now, the Northaven Trail dead-ends at Monroe Drive near Brockbank Drive and the 50-mile Bicycle Loop of Dallas does not connect to Bachman Lake, the Northaven Trail, or any of the DART stations in the area.
Together, we can change this and get Northwest Dallas connected.
By building a bigger bicycle loop in Dallas, residents will be able to:
Connect to other city landmarks throughout the city, including Downtown Dallas, the Design District, Victory Park, and the Trinity River Audubon Center.
Commute to local jobs and stores much more safely if not owning a car.
Incorporate fitness and recreation into their daily lives with having more opportunities closer to home.
Only 6 Miles Keep Northwest Dallas Disconnected. A Plan Exists. It Needs City Funding.
We can make a bigger bicycle loop of Dallas by just completing 6 miles, but we need your help.
Denton Drive is planned to become a complete street with sidewalks and bicycle lanes from Walnut Hill Lane to Inwood Road.
Dallas County has funded their share; the City of Dallas has not.
DART is giving funds to Dallas for transportation projects just like this.
Once the Denton Drive project is completed, Bachman Lake, the Trinity Strand Trail, and the Northaven Trail will all connect, which will complete the missing link in a bigger, better, bicycle loop connecting Northwest Dallas to the rest of the city.
Getting Involved
Contact your City Council Member and request that the DART funds be directed to the Denton Drive project so it can be prioritized. Also, join us at the Bachman Lake Recreation Center on October 19th (6 to 7:30PM) for the Bike Planning / Forward Dallas meeting with the City, the more the merrier! Even if you do not live in Northwest Dallas, your help is needed. This will connect neighborhoods and connect the city. It will provide more opportunity for both casual and serious cyclists.

#TheLoop #BikeDFW #BachmanLake #NorthavenTrail #TrinityStrandTrail #DART @trinitystrand.org @northaventrail.org #circuittrailconservancy