Even a Zoom hack can't stop us!
Updated: Dec 13, 2021

We planned and prepared for our Neighbors in the Know on December 1st: made a cool flyer, posted on social media, created an awesome presentation, updated the website landing pages, translated everything....BUT we didn't consider that having an open Zoom meeting would welcome hackers! Argh!
We apologize if you tried to log into the meeting and could not as we had to lock it down so that we could play whack-a-mole with the hackers. After composing ourselves, we finally completed the meeting. We have posted the video below after cleaning up the intrusions.
The video will try to distill all the work done in the Bachman Area Plan over these past 18 months.
The last day to submit feedback is 12/14.
The presentation slides are available for you to view here or download below.
Now for the action part
There is much to like about NCTCOG's proposed changes. In fact, the number of recommendations is somewhat overwhelming and reflective of the huge need in our area. As these efforts kick off, we must ensure that each and every one of them has an associated community task force.
So, first for the good news on what has been achieved through this strategic Bachman Plan:
Community First: Over 1000 responses were received as part of the NCTCOG Bachman Plan.
Funding: 21 bond/MCIP projects were identified that can be leveraged to improve the area. In addition, thanks to this accelerated plan, we are well positioned to get federal dollars to progress the work recommended!
Pedestrian & Cycling: Lots of sidewalks, bike lanes, and road diets are included. Also, a land bridge over NW Highway to Bachman Lake was recommended and a dedicated pedestrian / cycling bridge over Bachman Lake.
NCTCOG: Having their leadership will ensure the funding of projects and more importantly they are an organization that carries weight in terms of driving for results with TXDOT and the City.
As mentioned, there is a lot of work being proposed in Northwest Dallas and neither the City nor NCTCOG will be able to advance all the projects listed. So, your feedback is going to be critical in helping to prioritize which projects should go first. For details, you can go to the NCTCOG website and review the previous meetings and presentations. If you want to cut to the chase, below are the NCTCOG recommendations and in bold are the items Friends of Bachman Lake feel are missing or should be of lower priority. Feel free to use these as a guide when you submit your feedback.
City of Dallas Coordination
City to meet frequently with Dallas County to advance MCIP bond projects (City)
TxDOT Coordination
Complete NW Highway Feasibility Study – Inwood Road to Hillcrest Drive (TxDOT)
Redesign of Loop 12/Spur 482/Harry Hines Boulevard interchange (TxDOT)
Redesign of IH 35E/Raceway interchange to include on-/off-ramps to/from the north and improved Harry Hines Boulevard/Webb Chapel Extension connectivity (TxDOT)
Consideration of NW Highway redesign from 6 to 4 lanes with pedestrian cap and conversion from State ownership (City/TxDOT)
Update Mobility 2045 (NCTCOG)
MISSING: Rebuild and expand the Denton Ave bridge at NW Highway, ensure this includes pedestrian/cycling lanes
MISSING: Reconstruction of Lemmon Ave bridge, Lemmon Ave / Shorecrest intersection and the Lemmon Ave / NW Highway interchange
MISSING: Sidewalks along Northwest Highway
PRIORITY: The redesign of IH 35E at Harry Hines should be a lower priority. Until a plan for an alternate entrance is approved, this work would be premature
Love Field Access
Refine alternative entry analysis and design (City)
Create phasing plan for airport and roadway improvement integration (City/TxDOT)
Continue public engagement for second entrance (City)
Develop cost estimate, design, phasing to advance Shorecrest Drive to four lanes (City)
Feasibility study for northeast airport corner interchange redesign (City/TxDOT)
PRIORITY: This entire section should be a lower priority until community needs are met
MISSING: It is not sufficient to state that public engagement should continue. This recommendation needs to specify the best practice of establishing a task force with community participation. There is no trust in the status quo of the Good Neighbor Program as a method for public engagement on a project of this magnitude
Public Involvement
Continue as needed for implementation (Various)
MISSING: A central point person from NCTCOG needs to be assigned to champion the work given the complexity of coordination across the various governmental entities.
Economic development
Commission a more detailed economic development plan/study for these areas including anti-displacement strategies (City)
MISSING: Economic development opportunities exist along the DART Green Line at Walnut Hill and also west of Bachman Lake, where the city has the NW Transfer Station and DART bus garage. Creating residential/mixed-use in these areas will require rezoning and could be part of the NCTCOG recommendations to the City.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Trails
Advance sidewalk and bike recommendations to design/fund improvements for city streets (City)
Bike facility feasibility studies–Denton Drive and Walnut Hill Lane (City)
Develop cost estimate and advance design for signal upgrades and intersection improvements (City)
MISSING: Design a pedestrian/cycling bridge from Bachman Lake Park to the Bachman DART Station and then over I-35 to the Frasier Dam (like the one Northhaven Trail is building over I-75).
MISSING: See road diet recommendations under the Transit section
PRIORITY: All items in this section should be pursued aggressively for delivery to the community
Northwest Highway Redesign/ Pedestrian Cap
Coordination on enhanced crossing/land bridge at undeveloped object free airport property on Northwest Highway (City/TxDOT/NCTCOG)
Feasibility study for increasing bike/pedestrian access on Webb Chapel Road bridge (City)
PRIORITY: Safe access across NW Highway needs to be a priority.
Harry Hines Boulevard
Complete the corridor study and coordinate on intersection design as needed (NCTCOG)
Coordinate on bike/pedestrian crossings as needed (City)
MISSING: Wide and usable sidewalks or cycling lanes along both sides of Harry Hines.
PRIORITY: Harry Hines work following the corridor study should be a priority given the pedestrian/cycling component and need for safe walking options for kids to/from schools to the area north of Bachman Lake
Continue coordination on transit access options to Love Field that present the least conflict for other modes (City/DART)
Initiate design of intersection and sidewalk improvements west of Lemmon Ave (TxDOT)
Lane reduction for safety and pedestrian friendly design from Webb Chapel Ext. to Lemmon Ave (TxDOT)
MISSING: Mockingbird Lane enhancements to improve the Lemmon Ave/Airdome drive intersection. This should be a high priority item
MISSING: Lane reduction recommendations for Denton, Marsh, Midway, Walnut Hill, and Larga/Community
NOT NEEDED: With the planned sidewalks and also the Lemmon Ave trail from Shorecrest to Mockingbird, a lane reduction along Lemmon is probably not needed
PRIORITY: The first bullet regarding DART transit options, should be completed prior to pursuing an alternate airport entrance plan. Ideally the Burbank DART station should be the location of a people-mover to/from Love Field (along Denton Dr to Mockingbird). There should be with a Ride Share pick-up / drop-off location at the DART station to alleviate the congestion from Ride Share at the terminal.
Haz tu parte
A continuación se encuentran las recomendaciones del NCTCOG y en letras mayúsculas están los elementos que Friends of Bachman Lake creen que faltan o que deberían ser de menor prioridad. No dude en utilizarlos como guía cuando envíe sus comentarios.
Coordinación con TxDOT
FALTA: el trabajo que se necesita para reconstruir y expander el puente de Denton Dr sobre la NW Hwy. Esto tiene que incluir protecciones para peatones y ciclistas.
FALTA: la reconstrucción del puente Lemmon Ave y la construcción ve aceras para peatones y ciclistas
FALTA: todas las aceras necesarias en la NW Highway y la Harry Hines
DE MENOR PRIORIDAD: Cualquier trabajo en la I35E y Harry Hines.
Acceso a Love Field
DE MENOR PRIORIDAD - Las necesidades de la comunidad deben completarse antes de cualquier trabajo que beneficie a Love Field. No queremos que Shorecrest se convierta en una avenida de cuatro carriles.
Desarrollo Economico
FALTA: Una recomendación por parte de NCTCOG que se cierre/mueva el basurero de la ciudad que esta al lado del parque (NW Transfer Station) y que esta area sea residencial/uso-mixto
FALTA: Una recomendación por parte de NCTCOG que se cierre/mueva o limite el tamaño del garaje de buses de DART. Esta area puede ser residencial o de uso mixto
Senderos para Bicicletas/Peatones
FALTA: Es de gran prioridad que haya un acceso seguro del lago Bachman hacia el oeste, donde esta el Bachman DART Station, el parque Hines y el parque Frasier Dam
FALTA: Controles de velocidad que protejan a peatones y ciclistas en las calles mas transitadas. Esto incluye un limite en el numero de carriles de automobiles, mas cross-walks en las calles principales que cruzan calles como Timberline y Larga
FALTA: Todas las aceras y rutas de ciclismo en las calles del area al norte del lago Bachman, en la NW Highway y en la Harry Hines
ALTA PRIORIDAD: Toda esta sección es de la mas alta prioridad para la comunidad!!
Rediseno de Northwest Highway Redesign/ Puente Peatonal
PRIORIDAD: El accesso seguro es de gran prioridad, ademas de un puente peatonal, se necesitan cross-walks como en la Timberline
FALTA: Una recomendación por parte de NCTCOG que la ciudad de Dallas haga mejoras necesarias en la Mockingbird / Lemmon Ave / Airdrome
FALTA: Recomendaciones que se bajen los números de vías en la Denton, Marsh, Midway, Walnut Hill
DE BAJA PRIORIDAD: Que se pongan aceras en la Lemmon Ave ya que se esta construyendo un sendero peatonal. Hay otras necesidades mucho mas importantes que estas aceras
* PRIORIDAD: Es mas importante que la ciudad de Dallas primero complete un acceso de DART al aeropuerto Love Field antes de que se haga cualquier construcción para una entrada alterna. El acceso de DART debe ser por medio de la estación Burbank o de la Inwood.
#BachmanPlan #NCTCOG #NorthwestHighway #Shorecrest #NorthEntrance #AlternateEntrance #LoveField #Spaghetti #HarryHines #HinesPark #FrasierDam #Feedback #DART #RecreationCenter #SkatePark #AquaticCenter