2.6 Million Visits to Bachman Lake Park
Visit Bachman Lake on a sunny day and you'll see a lot of people. But how many is a lot?
We took a deep dive into data from Placer, courtesy of real estate firm Transwestern. Placer provides anonymized location data from mobile phones, allowing retailers to measure foot traffic in shopping centers and major points of interest.
The results were pretty surprising, even to us.
Bachman Lake Park received nearly 2.6 million visits over the last five years.
2022 Was A Big Year for Bachman Lake

According to Placer, Bachman Lake Park received more than 600,000 visits in 2022. This is the highest level since 2017 (when Placer's data begins) and may be an all-time record.
Visits fell in 2020 with the closure of the Recreation Center, but quickly bounced back after reopening.
Last year, foot (and bike) traffic shot up 29% above 2019 levels.
Other Facts
Bachman Lake receives over 100,000 unique visitors every year.
Visitors spend an average of 74 minutes at the Park.
Afternoons & evenings are most popular: 55% of all visits happen between 3PM and 9PM.
63% of visits happen on weekdays (Monday-Friday).
37% of visits happen on weekends.
About 7-8% of visitors come to Bachman Lake from work.
In 2022, Bachman Lake Park had more visits (608,000) than Klyde Warren Park (430,000).
The Big Surprise: Bachman Lake Is A Regional Amenity
The biggest surprise came when we investigated where Park visitors live:
70% of Bachman Lake visitors live more than five miles away.
The park sees heavy usage from neighborhoods in Northwest Dallas, but there's also strong representation from Preston Hollow, West Dallas, and even South Irving. Even still, more than 70% of visitors live outside the immediate area.

Wrapping Up
Bachman Lake Park is a remarkable testament to the vision of Dallas citizens over the last 100 years for a great park and lake. Today, it's cherished by hundreds of thousands of residents all over the Metroplex.
At just over 200 acres, Bachman Lake Park offers a wide range of activities from jogging, biking, fishing, rowing, picnics, or classes at the Rec Center. These offerings will soon be enhanced with the new Regional Aquatic Center, a 45,600 SF skate park, and FOBL's project to build new trails at the Bachman Creek greenbelt.
But there's still much work to do at the park, so we hope you will volunteer for Friends of Bachman Lake as we work hard on projects that will greatly enhance the Park and our community.
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