NEW: We explore some missed opportunities for Love Field to get this new entrance thing right.
We also have our take on the airport's pivot toward safety as justification for a north entrance.
The Airport presented to the Dallas Park Board on Thursday, August 20th and nearly a month later, on September 17, the Board passed a resolution recommending that no approval be made without further studies on options that were discarded and a deeper analysis into those that remain. The airport has agreed to pause its final selection process until it can align with traffic studies and recommendations from the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCoG, or "COG"). We're still trying to figure out exactly what that means.
Public comments were overwhelmingly opposed to the lack of community input and the down-selected choices for an alternate entrance thus far. Please continue to email your comments and concerns and to your Council Members who will eventually have a final say. Thank you Park Board for putting Bachman Lake Community first!
As the campaign for community input continues, we have talking points for you to consider which we will update as we get more answers to the questions we still have.

Dallas Love Field (DAL) continues its pursuit of a north entrance to the airport despite growing questions about the viability of choices vs. those that exist closer to the original entrance along Mockingbird Lane.
Most insulting to the long-neglected residents of Northwest Dallas is the fact that some options, such as a bridge over Bachman Lake, put cars over people, corporate development over housing, and are ruinous to the quality of life of our underserved community.
Watch this space for ways to get informed and learn about how you can take action to protect Bachman Lake Park, the only green space for so many overlooked residents of Northwest Dallas.
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Love Field has presented to, but not included, the community most affected by a north entrance in its selections of viable options. Who's on the decision making team? Developers, airlines? How about residents?

Imagine plowing traffic through the only park for so many residents just to please communities most likely to park their own cars and pay for garage time and valet. Those most likely to use mass transit, including locals, are paid lip service yet have the most to lose. Love Field has missed some chances to get it right.
The Airport is proposing 5 north entrance options without ever having done a traffic analysis on the impact to the northern roadways while dismissing southern options as non-viable for the same reasons northern options would be. In addition, the analysis has never included community quality of life impacts (noise, pollution, traffic).
The Airport insists that connection to DART rail stations via a people mover system will be key, however they have recently suggested that such a connection could come later if situations warrant. We say no. The project should lead with a people mover solution which would mitigate traffic problems first. Leading with a vehicular solution leaves fewer funds for what really will work. This is just a way to jettison a people mover connection to DART when it becomes too expensive or inconvenient. Save your pennies, DAL, we all have to.
Despite aircraft noise, car traffic from Northwest Highway is muted when you go inside the park. Love Field wants to put a bridge right through the heart of it and bring the noise and pollution over the lake. NCTCoG suggests shrinking the number of lanes on NW Highway while the airport thinks bigger is better. They have their eyes on expanding Shorecrest on the airport side of the lake. Why is this? Interestingly there is a recently purchased stretch of private property between the two runways that is conveniently positioned to be an ideal landing spot for a bridge from NW Highway. That property happened to triple in value recently. Who's benefitting here?