Between now and September 17, 2020, visit https://www.northtexasgivingday.org/FoBL2020 to make a donation. Don't forget to direct your gift by typing "Please designate to Friends of Bachman Lake" in the NOTES box!
Spread the word! Use the share feature on the donation page and don't forget to use #FoBL #DallasParksFnd and #NTxGivingDay hashtags when posting to social media.
please give!
North Texas Giving Day is an annual event that lets individuals from all over the region give to the organizations of their choice.
We thank you for taking the opportunity on this day to contribute to Dallas Parks Foundation and designating your gift to Friends of Bachman Lake. You help us keep our park and lake safe, clean and enjoyable for all.
From new and improved connectivity to the greater city and regional trail network, to safety features and better park amenities, the funds you help us raise can give the Lake and Park a level of attention it has never had before. Now more than ever, we also need a louder voice to protect the park from encroachment by business interests at the expense of our green space.